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Ribena Ad Review

This is an essay written for NM3215 Advertising Strategies. It compares two ads of a different timeframe in terms of their key messages, execution styles, and positioning to determine if the company has adapted to different audiences in the different timeframe.

The two ads that are going to be discussed in this essay are Ribena ads published in the United Kingdom in the year 2014 and 2015. Whereas the 2014 ad aims to sell the drinks to children and parents, the 2015 ads aim to sell these drinks to pre-family young adults (J.Walter Thompson: Ribena gets groovy, 2015). To cater to different target audiences, these two ads differ greatly in terms of (1) key messages displayed, (2) execution styles and (3) positioning, to greater appeal to the diverse characteristics of each group.

Firstly, the key message for the 2014 is that the Ribena drink, even the ones with no sugar, tastes just as great and rich in vitamin c as the ones with sugar. Whereas the key message for the 2015 ad has changed to one that says that drinking Ribena is cool and that drinking Ribena will cause one to feel upbeat and happy, bringing youths back to their childhood to better target a new set of audiences. Ribena could have changed its key message because youths are not as health conscious and care less about gaining vitamin C from these drinks.

Secondly, the 2014 ad uses a straight sell and animation execution style, with an informational appeal. There are various evidences in the ad that very straightforwardly presents Ribena as good for one’s body with the rich amounts of vitamin C it contains. For instance, the jingle itself sings “its Ribena time so get in line, for all the vitamin C you need daily you need daily”, with a reiteration that one needs to consume vitamin C every day. Additionally, the ad also included a subtitle that says “Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system”, showing the importance of consuming Ribena. The use of this technique could be because parents who are busy working and taking care of their children often do not have time to sit down and watch ads. Hence, by presenting the information and drawing the conclusion for them, it will make it easier for them to make a decision as to whether to purchase Ribena. An animation execution style was also used through the featuring of Ribena berries as real-life characters to attract children. The content of the ad focuses on the consumer’s practical need for Ribena, which is to stay healthy by consuming vitamin C, appealing to the informational needs of consumers, especially parents. An animation execution style was also used in the 2015 ad but with an emotional appeal. Made with photo-montage animation (The Stables, 2015), the ad showcases a bizarre world, with berries bigger than buildings, kangaroos flying, birds riding on the berries and hedgehogs flying. The use of animation brings to life what drinking Ribena tastes and feels like, through a visual representation of the Ribenary world. It also appeals to the nostalgic feelings of youths whereby drinking Ribena can bring them back to their childhood imaginary Ribenary world. The ad’s animation has inarguably changed from one that is more child-like to real animals to better appeal to young adults. The jingle has also changed to a popular and catchy rap to catch the attention of these young adults.

Thirdly, the 2014 ad positions Ribena by its product attributes and benefits while the other by product user. Through the 2014 ad, Ribena positions itself as being healthy and rich in vitamin C with no added sugar but still tasty as obesity among children is a growing problem in the UK at that time (Sedghi, 2014). Hence, to distinct itself from other drinks in the beverage industry, Ribena positions itself as a product with health benefits without compromising on its taste. Whereas, the 2015 ad positions Ribena by its product user by associating the it with cool teenagers through the use of an electric and catchy rap, ‘Zooby Doo’ created by London-based duo Tiger Monkey, who are well-known across the UK for creating indie/ hip hop music (Tigermonkey Biography, 2013). This could be due to Ribena wanting to reposition its brand to target a new market, young adults, after it has “come under fire in the UK for their high sugar content” (Jardine, 2015). Thus, by positioning its drinks with cool kids, it will encourage teenagers to drink Ribena so that they will become cool especially since teenagers like to appear cool.

Comparing the two ads, I think the 2014 ad is more effective in persuading its target audience. This is because cartoon animated ads better capture the attention of children (Belch & Belch, 2018), making it appealing and appropriate for them. Hence, the 2015 ad might not be as effective even with the use of a rap especially since its attempt to create an imaginary world seems to me like it is trying to appeal to children instead of young adults as they would be too old to be taken in by the ‘imaginary world’ gimmick. Furthermore, the 2014 ad included factual information about the Ribena product such as the rich amounts of vitamin C it produces and how vitamin C can help in one’s immune system. This can be very persuasive to parents especially those with young kids as they care greatly for their kids and want the best for their children. In addition, it is often very hard for parents to get their young children to eat vitamins hence if Ribena can do the job for them with its great taste, then they would very gladly choose Ribena. As such, the 2014 ad is connected as it reflects an understanding of parent’s motivations as they make the decision on whether to choose Ribena. Even though the 2015 ad used a jingle that is catchier than the 2014 one and audiences would most likely remember Ribena when they hear the Zooby Doo song and spread it to their friends, it does not show how it would be appealing to young adults as this kind of jingle would be appealing to children as well. Hence, the 2014 ad is more effective in persuading its target audience.

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